Fruit Nutrition for Our Beauty

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Besides having a good nutrition for healthy, fresh fruit also give some benefit for our beauty. Few fresh fruits will help you to increase your beauty. Take at least two to three servings of these fruits every day and you will be found that a difference just a few weeks. Although for some people doesn’t like of the taste of fresh fruit, cause less of sweet and so on, but you don’t think about that and enjoyed.

Orange have a lot of vitamins C. Its means prevents loss in skin elasticity. And also increase your skin so glowing and your face so brighter. 

Apple, do not assume trivial pieces of this one because one apple every day will provide a natural freshness in you. Apple has a lot of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, so it makes you younger and protect your skin from sun exposure and heat.

Avocado many used in a face mask which is makes your skin keep smooth, that is removes rashes in the face and making the skin soft and beautiful, because the avocado it's very nourishing and has many natural oils than any other fruits. 

Mango which is the ripe mango it has lots of beta-carotene, which helps keep up the epithelial tissues. Epithelial tissues should be maintained so as not to appear premature wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes

There are more fruits it also had much nutrition for our beauty and healthy, but these are just a few information for you in maintain healthy and beauty.


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