Did you know how much calories in banana? One banana contains 99 grams calories. One ripe banana consists of about 85 to 100 grams calories. Banana will help us to keep the glycogen rate inside the blood and prevent morning sickness. Banana gives more energy than apple. Even though apple is more delicious than banana, banana has more nutrition and calorie. Banana will be able to serve energy substitution for brain if it’s necessary.
Banana’s carbohydrate produces energy slower than sugar and syrup. But, banana’s carbohydrate produces energy faster than rice, biscuit, and bread. Because of that, there are many athletes eat banana when they were taking a rest from exercising. If you are athlete too, you should try to consume banana as your energy. Calories in banana are enough for giving energy while exercising. Energy inside the banana is instant energy which is easy to get fast. This kind of energy is good for providing temporary calories. Sugar inside the banana is a fruit sugar or it known as fructose. After work hard or think hard, you will feel tired and sleepy. This is the effect of lacking energy in your brain. Because of that, biologic activity is also decreased. To do its activities, brain needs glucose as energy. Glucose is a vital necessity for brain. Banana is the best alternative to get energy when you are takes a rest for awhile from practicing or exercising.
Some information said that banana comes from Southeast Asia, Brazil, and India. Banana will be able to live in muddy tropical area, especially in low land. There are two methods if people want to consume banana. The first is banana method. In this method, you can consume banana directly without change it into other meal. Second is plantain method. You can eat banana after you boil, fry, or bake it.
There are many kinds of banana. Each kind of banana may have different calories in banana, glucose, and even energy. Because of that, you should search information about the nutrition facts for each banana. There are many processed meal that use banana as their primary component. This is just one proof that banana give us a lot of benefits.
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