American people are easier to had obesity. Why? That is because of their eating habit. They usually eat junk food or fast food because they like simple and instant thing. Actually, that is not healthy. Junk food has more calories than vegetable food. Beside that, their eating portion is big. They also like drinking soda. If you want to loss weight, you may take Mineral supplements. Mineral supplements will help you to loss weight so that you can support your diet program.
I know very well that diet program is too hard to do. Because of that, you need Mineral supplements to support it. Actually, soda has more calories than other drinking water. Moreover, if we drink it when we want to sleep, the calories will be staked and of course we will gain weight soon. Pure water is so healthy. You have to drink pure water at least 8 glass everyday. There are many people can’t even differentiate between hungry and thirsty. Maybe you are thirsty, but you think that you are hungry. After that, you consume a lot of foods. When you are hungry, you should not consume Mineral supplements then you think that you will be full after consume that Mineral supplements. You have to still eat and drink healthy meals.
Then, how the way to know whether you are thirsty or hungry? When you feel like hungry, you should drink a glass of water and wait for 10 minutes. And if after 10 minutes you are still hungry, it means you are really hungry. When you are eating, chew your meals slowly. If you chew your meals slowly, you will feel full soon. Because of that, your eating desire will be pressured. You should limit your carbohydrate consumption. High protein meal like fish is a good choice for dinner. Protein will make you feel full for long time enough. You can eat carbohydrate, but you have to selective. Please make sure that your carbohydrate food will give you more energy so that it will not be kept as fat.
There are many Mineral supplements product to help you with your diet program. You can ask your friend’s suggestion or people who know a lot about this matter. Don’t take Mineral supplements randomly.
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